> Group Leadership and Facilitation Skills > Roles during a flood

Roles during a flood

  • Note and report local flood event details:
    - Keep a record of any information that might be useful to emergency services, allowing them to act in the most efficient way.
  • If possible, set up local patrols to monitor the situation:
    - If it is safe to do so, communicate with your neighbours to assess whether any vulnerable people are in need of assistance, or direct emergency services to locations where they can be most effective. 
  • Communicate with authorities on local conditions and needs on the ground:
    - Provide your contact details to officials as a point of reference so that any 'on the ground' information is not wasted.
  • Visit or contact people at risk to ensure that warnings have been received:
    - If it is safe to do so, visit or arrange for others to check-in on the most vulnerable.
  • Call for assistance on behalf of people who are struggling to carry out essential actions to safeguard themselves or their property:
    - If you discover any people in need of assistance, communicate this with people most able to help.