> Group Leadership and Facilitation Skills > Event organisation

Event organisation

When you organise an event, you need to make sure that your planned timetable, activities and audience are realistic and achievable.

What you want the event to be, what you want it to achieve, and its size and scale

The aim of the event will be to increase flood resilience in communities.

You will need to decide:

  • When the event will occur - try to avoid clashes with similar events that may be taking place nearby
  • Who you want to come to the event - as diverse a range of peoople from your community to be represented
  • How many people you are catering for - think of both a minimum and maximum) and whether you have the right facilities
  • The activities you want to put on, and who they will cater for - e.g. all ages, children


  • Make sure the venue you will be using is booked and confirmed (or if it is free of charge, you have the necessary permission from the owner) allowing enough time to provide access for set up and clearing away, as well as the event itself
  • Think about any equipment you will need to hire and make sure you know how to use it, e.g., microphones, PA systems etc.

Common sense safety, access issues and insurance

You will need to consider:

  • How people will get to the event - make sure your publicity gives details of public transport and parking
  • If the venue is accessible for wheelchair users and people with other disabilities - make sure your publicity is clear about the level of access visitors can expect


Thinking. Image credit: The Illumi Lab.
Thinking. Image credit: The Illumi Lab.