> Group Leadership and Facilitation Skills > Publicising the event

Publicising the event

When you are considering how best to publicise your event, you will need to think about who you want your publicity to reach. Think about where those people are most likely to see a poster or flyer, and what will attract them to the event.

You could use:

  • Posters and leaflets- put them in key local areas such as local supermarkets, the council offices etc.
  • Social media- make a Facebook event, share it to local Facebook groups
  • Local media- newspapers, radio
  • Friends and family- ask them to spread the word
  • Direct questions- make a list of people you think could help/attend the event and then ask them directly

Put really clear information on your publicity materials:

  • Timings
  • Specific location of the meeting site
  • Transport links
  • Facilities
  • Refreshments
  • You could include some contact details with the publicity so people can contact you directly

You should also make sure you get your publicity out early enough for it to be distributed and read - do not wait until every last detail of the event is finalised, as it is good just to notify people that it is happening as a 'save-the-date'.


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